Donate Online

Murugan Temple uses both PayPal, Swirepay and Zelle for accepting online donations in a secure manner.

  • If you are donating less than $1000, please click the "Donate Now via PayPal" or Donate Now via Swirepay"(green-button) below to be redirected to PayPal where you can specify the amount you wish to donate and complete the transaction. (NOTE: There are no transactions fees on the donor side. The temple incurs a transaction fee on the receiving side).
  • If you are donating $1000 or more, consider donating via please click the "Donate Now via Swirepay" or Zelle. Zelle does not have any transaction fees and 100% of your donation reaches Murugan Temple. When you send money via Zelle, please look up Murugan Temple using the following email address: (Please provide your email-address and home-address in the Zelle-Notes field to allow Murugan Temple to send you the donor letter at the end of the year.) Also note that most US Bank Apps on your smart-phone have Zelle Payment options available and you do not need any special app downloaded other than your bank app to send money. Please use the Zelle option to donate and not for payment towards any services.

We thank you on behalf of Murugan Temple. May Lord Murga bless you and your family with an abundance of wealth and happiness!

  (You will be redirected to PayPal for secure payment) OR

Click here to learn more about Zelle.